

Sessions are available for individuals, couples, families and groups. Each session is tailored to meet your individual needs during every step of the process and our journey together. I help to facilitate each session based upon where you are and what you need at any given time. I combine my years of experience with my intuition and spiritual guidance to allow the healing to unfold organically and profoundly.

The sessions include verbal processing, eye movement exercises, breath work, hands on manipulation of muscles and bodily expression of feelings. Energy work, energy readings and hands on healing may be used exclusively or in conjunction with these other techniques. This approach is not a band aid effect. It heals the issues at a deep core level rather than just masking or alleviating the symptoms.

This is based upon the philosophy that from a young age, we as humans develop physical and emotional blocks in reaction to painful and traumatic emotions and experiences. These defense mechanisms are good so that we can get through and survive those experiences however they get in the way when we no longer need them, keeping us from the deepest level of happiness and peace that we are capable of experiencing. This healing breaks down the armoring so that we can return to our most natural and healthy way of functioning prior to the formation of the blocks and experience life to the absolute fullest! (Please see more details under the “About” section.)


Reiki, Mind-body Healing, Life Coaching and Spiritual Coaching Classes / Groups / Workshops

Sessions, classes, groups and workshops are offered for individuals, couples, families, groups. Please inquire for details.

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